Yes I know! I can hardly believe I'm posting either!! But here we are . . .
So last time I posted was about three months ago. And sleep was such an issue. Ah, sleep, ever the issue. It's amazing, once night time sleep became less of an issue, napping was all I talked about. I'm obsessed. We're still working on the napping/sleeping stuff, but more on that later.
First, updates and stuff! I think I'll be skimpy on the pictures right now, and do a whole picture post later (the first picture is from around six weeks, I think, and the last is the most recent one, from just a few days ago!). So . . .
When we hit six weeks, which as I mentioned is supposed to be when things settle down, we ended up taking Gabriel for his first Emergency Room visit. On Valentine's Day! We went to the wonderful Seattle Children's Hospital because our poor baby boy was unable to eat. Skipping all the drama, we found out he had Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disorder. Otherwise known as baby acid reflux. So he's been on medication for that ever since then, and its been a fun experiment with keeping him upright as much as possible. He's been sleeping on a giant foam wedge ever since then, but I think all the propping up made him able to sit up earlier, and actually helped strengthen his little neck muscles. He should start growing out of the reflux soon, and I'm already cutting down on the medicine, trying to slowly phase it out. He's practically grown out of the wedge, so we'll be seeing what sleep is like out of that soon.
Speaking of sleep, we now get nice long chunks of sleep, or we were, until I recently decided to mess with it. My friend Merrie, from my You and Your New Baby class, recommended giving swaddling another try. That did the trick, and we got to where Gabriel was only waking up once during the night to eat, around 3 or 4 in the morning. Well I decided I wanted to put him to bed earlier (he wanted it too), so now he goes to bed at 7pm or so. This means he's hungry earlier, more like midnight or 1am. Then he sleeps (theoretically) until 7am or so. Robert has been taking that late feeding, with the idea that I could sort of sleep through it. But Gabriel is having a really hard time adjusting, so he has a very hard time falling back asleep after the midnight feeding. Hopefully we'll get it all straightened out, because being awake for two hours in the middle of the night again is not what I had in mind!
I've been breastfeeding exclusively since Gabriel was about eight weeks old. He didn't really need the supplemental formula after his first month or so, but we kept it up anyway. Then I decided that it was unnecessary, and I now breastfeed in public and pump to supply bottles. He still eats every two to three hours during the day, but he's gotten much more efficient. We may start rice cereal soon, we'll be seeing the doctor on Thursday to discuss it.
As far as napping goes, we've got a pretty good routine down. However Gabriel has been super cranky the past few days, and I think its due to lack of sleep. He's also periodically cranky from teething (early) and really bad gas (which also took us to the hospital, twic
There's all sorts of fun developmental stuff going on too, but I'll update that later as well. Really I will!
Wow, I learned a lot! I'm glad I checked in.