Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Very Official First Post

I'm unsure of how to begin this blog, so I guess it's best to just jump right in.
We got to see the baby together for the first time this morning. It was incredible. They gave us a DVD of the ultrasound, and I was trying to figure out a way to post it somewhere and embed the video here, but I think it won't be happening. So we'll just have to make copies for those that want them.
One of the very first things we saw was the baby do a little full body wave. It has lots of room to move around right now, and it sure is moving. We got to watch for twenty minutes or so, I think. It was just lovely.
I did get some pictures, so I'll try to get those scanned and then post them here. It definitely looks like a baby!!
I don't know how often I'll be posting at this point, as there are not many noticeable changes happening. But I will try to post at least once a week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG! This is the blog beyond all blogs!! Hey, couldn't you guys just upload the ultrasound video to YouTube and then link to it from here? I mean, I'm sure you guys--being you guys--have already thought of this, but just in case... Yay! Love you guys! Keep the good times coming! --Laura

  3. Horray for the baby west blog! I'm very excited.

  4. Robert tells me the video is too big. It is really long, so, I don't know. But we can make you a copy if you want!!

  5. It is so exciting to watch your own healthy, active baby swimming around inside you!
