Thursday, October 29, 2009

He has a name!

Okay, big news!! Some of you may have already heard that we have settled on a name for our little boy. Some of you may think that name is Josiah, since that's what we were discussing for so long. But as time went on, neither of us really felt like that was right, even though we were calling him that occasionally. So we hadn't officially said that was his name, but more like just the top of a short list. And then a month or so ago I had this dream . . .
I'm not kidding, my dreams have been fairly epic since I became pregnant. Sometimes it feels as though I am watching a movie, and that's how this one was. A huge, crazy, end-of-the-world type movie. I could tell you more than I'll share here, because some of the scenes are still really clear in my mind, but I'll just tell you the important part. So I was pregnant in my dream, and the world was ending. I believe the sun had exploded, at least that's what it looked like. (Yes, I saw it happen in the dream.) I had a few hours to find a way to safety (presumably off the planet, although that was never really clear). Somehow I managed to get together with a group of people who were leaving, there were only eight or so of us, and we knew that it would be up to us to begin a new human civilization. And what I said right before I woke up was, "Baby Gabriel will be the first of the new civilization." So when I woke up, I was like, that's it . . . Gabriel.
The more I thought about it the more I liked it as a name, and when I brought it up with Robert, he said he really liked it too. I'm pretty sure we had actually mentioned this name before, but neither of us felt very attached to it. But now that we're thinking more of the little person that is our son, it just seems right. So, laugh all you want that I got my son's name from an epic, kooky, sci-fi dream, but hey, it's a good name isn't it?


  1. I think that it is a fabulous way to get your baby's name! And I will not at all laugh at it, because my daughter's was just as bizarre.

    We had originally intended to name her Orianna. However, at my place of work, I was in a small room with a stereo for company. The only station it got was the local classic rock station, and the song "Rhiannon" from Fleetwood Mac would play, I kid you not, about 5 times a work day while I was there. Then, it would be playing in the restraunt, or the grocery store, or the radio at home. It was EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. Finally, at about 8 months pregnant, at work, listening to it for the 3rd or 4th time that day, I yelled at the stereo (to the shock of my coworkers in the other room!) "Fine! I'll name her Rhiannon! Just quit playing the damn song!!!". I didn't hear the song once for the rest of my pregnancy, and figured that was a pretty sure sign. I gave her the name she wanted, and love it.

    It also is funny that both her first and middle name wound up being Goddesses. Go figure.

    So, I think your choice, and where it came from, is splendid! And it comes with a fantastic story to go with it!

  2. When Robert asked if I liked the name Gabriel, I told him that it sounded familar. Like it was already his name. I think Gabriel chose his own name and let you know in your dream. Has been communicating with you. I think it is a wonderful way to realize your baby's name. I want to call and hear more detail. I love all three of you.

  3. That's a great story Thaydra. :) Thanks for sharing.

  4. Congrats on deciding on a name! I really like it.
