The main stuff I have to report in this post is just how freakin' uncomfortable I've been!! My hips hurt almost constantly, as do my ribs, especially on the right. I keep expecting to see swollen and bruised skin, but it looks normal. It just hurts! The past couple weeks have definitely made a difference, and that baby just keeps pushing everything out of his way. My lungs are compressed so that I am almost always short of breath, no matter what I'm doing. And my poor stomach is squished - heartburn was bad enough, but now I feel queasy a lot of the time as well.
So that's my whine/rant about how uncomfortable my third trimester is. Sleeping has become difficult, but I've perfected my ability to nap, so that's not that huge. I'm not keeping up with school like I was because I really just can't sit at my computer for that long anymore. But that's okay. Now I'm back to how I was doing when I was working and in school. I am super glad that I am lucky enough to not have to work during this part of the pregnancy - I am just not one of those women who could do it!
I have another doctor's appointment this week - soon we'll be seeing her once a week! We'll see how much bigger I've gotten in two weeks. Also, I get my swine flu vaccination today. I think that's pretty exciting. I had decided not to get the regular flu shot, but now I'm wavering on that decision again. I've never gotten it before, and if it were just for myself, I would not be getting it this year either. But it's supposed to protect your baby even after birth, which is good. So we'll see.
Gabriel is growing and getting ready to come out to cuddle and play. I am excited but probably not as anxious as you!