This is an exciting week, as you may recall . . . on Wednesday we go in for the ultrasound!! Which means more actual baby pictures, and news about the baby's gender!! We are so excited to see our little one again.
For the past week or so I have been feeling little flutters inside - not real kicks or anything, but I definitely feel someone moving around in there. One of my books called this "quickening". I know some of it may not be the baby, but I know for sure that some of it is. Soon I know I will be able to feel the baby all the time! That is exciting.
I have not been back to the doctor since my last post, so I have no updates regarding whether or not I'm still consuming too much sugar. But I have cut myself off from all the extra-sugary things that I didn't even realize I was eating so much of - ice cream, cookies, candy. If you would have asked me before, I would have told you that I don't eat very much of that stuff. Now that I'm paying attention, however, I know for a fact that that's wrong. I have also been paying attention to added sugar in stuff, but I feel like that is less important for me, since my excess sugar obviously came from all of the excessively sugary stuff I was apparently eating all the time! So hopefully this new awareness will help keep me from getting gestational diabetes, and at the same time, it's definitely making me healthier!
So, keep your eyes peeled here, I'm sure I'll have the post up as soon as I have time on Wednesday! (It is my birthday, and my mom is flying in, so it will be a busy day, but I'll get it up as soon as I can.)
Yeah, sugar. Your wonderful, awesome, amazing body has extra work to do and processing sugar can just be an over load. I cut out sugar because my midwife said that too much sugar makes muscle tissue mushy and without extra sugar I would have stronger vaginal muscles and an easier delivery. Let's hear it for an easy birth!!